Thursday, May 15, 2008

GISSA's GIS Week 2008 event

During 5-9 May 2008, GISSA (Geo-Information Society of South Africa) - an association that represents the interests of Geospatial experts in South Africa - hosted the GIS Week event at the UWC; targeting the School learners and educators. Since GIS has been incorporated as part of the Geography Syllabus for the Grade 10-12 learners in South Africa, there is need for all the geospatial experts and organisation to assist in training and support schools especially rural schools. So GISSA is doing their bit by hosting them.

This year I led my staff in exhibiting and assisting in the training lab. I believe our stall was the best as our touchscreen kiosk (that I designed) was the centre of attraction. Every time the learners get the highest score on the Climate Change QUIZ, they were given prizes (including a bag, water bottle and a pencil case - all with a message on Climate Change, Energy Efficiency and Recycling).

Our exhibit theme was "Greening 2010 Soccer World Cup as part of our Climate Change Action Plan". Some of our work showcased included the GreenStaySA - an initiative targeting the hotels to reduce their footprint through clean production, energy and water efficiency, etc. Our aim is to get as many hotels participating in the Campaign. We also demonstrated the possible applications of GIS on Climate Change scenarios, e.g. Sea level rise in an informal settlement. We also promoted Energy Efficiency and the use of Renewable Energy.
