Friday, March 16, 2007

I Have just snail-mailed a letter to Tata

Today, I have just snail-mailed (or mail posted) a letter and my book's manuscript to Tata (my father). I feel so good to be sending my manuscript to him before sending it off for publishing. I need to get his views and recommendations on the book.

Actually the main reason for sending him the book is that the book is about him - how he has influenced my life in many ways - positively and negatively. My father was very harsh in the way he brought us up.

I want to give him an opportunity to comment. I think this will challenge him to see the need to have a closer relationship with his children. To be honest with you, I do not know how he will take it, but I know it will turn out to be good at the end of it all. We all need to reconcile and redress the deeds of the past.

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